GT Books

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Announcing the 2022 book by GTI Fellow Odis Simmons:

Experiencing Grounded Theory: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning, Doing, Mentoring, Teaching, and Applying Grounded Theory   By Odis E. Simmons, Ph.D. 

Odis E. Simmons wrote this book to honor Barney G. Glaser, his mentor, colleague, and life-long friend. Simmons’ relationship with Dr. Glaser began in 1970, giving him the unique ability to articulate Glaser’s innovative, sometimes challenging ideas, in an informal, easy to understand, digestible manner. The book is an excellent segue into Glaser’s must-read books. As Amazon reviewer Kasey McClurg expressed it, “I read this book before referencing Glaser’s work and I feel like I took a shortcut through knowledge town.”

It will be useful for graduate and undergraduate students, experienced researchers, and practicing professionals. It will also be beneficial for mentors and teachers of grounded theory. It gives a firsthand account of some of the early history of grounded theory. It provides practical tips for selecting members and working with a grounded theory dissertation committee. It contrasts grounded theory with other research methods and highlights the differences between classic and constructivist grounded theory. Its longest chapter provides detailed, clear advice to guide readers through all phases of the grounded theory process. Two chapters introduce classic grounded theory-based applied methods Simmons devised, grounded action and grounded therapy, with examples. It also provides a model for teaching classic grounded theory to graduate and undergraduate students.

Paperback or eBook versions can be purchased from the publisher, BrownWalker Press, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble web sites.



   Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis is now available in Mandarin

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Also, you will soon be able to order

DOING GROUNDED THEORY IN MANDARIN translated by Dr Foster Fei (2010), ISBN 1-884156-22-3, 进行扎根理论研究:论题与探讨, 巴尼 G. 格拉泽(著) 费小冬 (译) 社会学出版社,美国.  


Discovery of Grounded Theory has been translated now into Polish,  and is being published by the "Nomo's" Publishing Company in the next year. To order a copy go to:

Discovery of Grounded Theory has also been published in Italian and can be purchased directly from the publisher     


The world of GT is constantly expanding. Doing Grounded Theory is now available in Swedish:

It has been translated by GTI Fellow Hans Thulesius, and Thomas Åström. It is available at


Also, if you are a memeber of the GTI, you can join a discussion in Swedish on the GTI forum.


©2008 Grounded Theory Institute
Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Jillian Rhine